ECO Platform arrangerer ECO EPD Officer level1 kurs november 2024. Kurset er hovedsakelig rettet mot produsenter, men også innkjøpere vil ha nytte av kurset. Ingen forkunnskaper kreves. Kurset er åpent også for de som ikke er medlemmer av ECO Platform.
A “cradle-to-grave” life cycle study of the Silk® Nova series (n-type), showed a lower #carbonfootprint of the #panels compared to their p-type predecessors. The study was verified by a third party and certified by EPD-Norway, an internationally recognised certification body.
We are happy to announce our partnership with Emidat - using AI to automate verified product- and manufacturer-agnostic EPDs at scale. When we first met the team, this was just an idea and it has been great to watch how fast they have developed, using newest technology to solve the ever-increasing problem of EPDs at scale and contributing to the industry's efforts of making tool verification faster and more scalable together with ECO Platform.
Great summer news. EPD-Norway and EPD-China have signed a MRA - Mutual Recognition Agreement. This will have a huge impact for both Norwegian/European and Chinese companies in order to develop and publish EPDs in the European and Chinese market. Both EPD-Norway and EPD-China recognises EPDs, PCR – Product Category Rules and we cooperate for a seamless and efficient (cost and time) for existing and new EPD owners.
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