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Data collection periods shorter than 12 months

In EN15804:2012+A2:2019 section Data quality requirements it is specified that data sets shall, as a general rule, be based on 1 year averaged data. Deviations from this general rule are allowed, but they shall be justified. EPD-Norway has not defined specific criteria for when deviations are justified, this must be considered on an individual basis as part of the verification process. Minor deviations are typically evaluated by the verifier. For major deviations, it is strongly recommended to have a dialogue with EPD-Norway early in the EPD development process. 

If deviations are considered justified: It is a requirement to address such deviations in both the LCA report (e.g. a life cycle interpretation based on a sensitivity analysis) and in the EPD (e.g. under data quality). If deviations are not considered justified: The EPD must be revised and the data shall be based on 1 year averaged data. 

Many factors can be influence the LCIA results. Justification of deviations should identify the most significant factors that may influence the LCIA results. Examples of such factors are product variation, stability of production process, stability of raw materials, seasonal variations, predictability of production, etc.

NOTE: Section 4.4 in the GPI provides guidance for updating the EPD. An agreement should be established between the EPD owner and the verifier to ensure that the content of the EPD during the validity period is correct. The EPD should be evaluated when there is 1 year of data available. If there is a need for adjustments to the EPD, the verifier must submit a verification report (online report) to EPD-Norge with the adjusted EPD enclosed. It is not necessary to carry out a full LCA, only the changes affected by the adjustment need to be verified. When updating an EPD, the same requirements shall be satisfied as when the original declaration was made.

The Norwegian EPD Foundation

P.O. Box 5250 Majorstuen
N-0303 Oslo Norway
Invoice: Electronic invoice (EHF) to company number 985223114
