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Routines for «Reference» EPDs and «Project» EPDs

The use of reference EPDs and project EPDs is relatively new and no international standard has been established for how project EPDs should be. This is the routines for reference EPDs and Project EPDs

  • A Reference EPD must be published by EPD Norway
  • The Project EPD must refer to a published Reference EPD and include the EPD number
  • A Project EPD must be closely related to the Reference EPD (e.g. minor variations, within the same product family etc)
  • A Project EPD must contain project related information as production site, volume, transport to project (A4), C and D modules and if relevant A5.
  • Unlimited number of Project EPDs can be developed based on published d Reference EPD.
  • The Project EPDs must be in accordance to the PCR and standards which the Reference EPD is based on
  • The Project EPDs shall not be sent to EPD-Norway, but directly to the user of the Project EPDs

See also this article (in norwegian)

The Norwegian EPD Foundation

P.O. Box 5250 Majorstuen
N-0303 Oslo Norway
Invoice: Electronic invoice (EHF) to company number 985223114
